Spin Rewriter
Landing page, Sales Page & App Design
Spin Rewriter is a SaaS tool for SEO specialists that need unique content to rank higher on Google, used by 181,000 customers.
My responsibilities:
Customer interviews, user testing, persona development, wireframing, UI design
Reached goal:
$610,000 in extra yearly profit
Read the case studyLive links:
www.spinrewriter.com www.spinrewriter.com/sales-pageLanding page wireframes

Landing page design

Sales page design

Control panel design

Read what my client has to say about redesign
"...Our revenue shot up by 65% immediately."
I hounded Jaka Smid for 4 months before he agreed to take on our redesign. It turns out great designers are busy! But I didn't back down, because I KNEW Jaka was the right person for the job.
And once we got the ball rolling, every single one of his detailed updates and thoughtful emails blew me away. And here's the thing I loved the most: Jaka was always confident in all his decisions, taking a huge load off my shoulders, making sure everything ran smoothly, and delivering a truly incredible product in the end. Can you imagine asking your designer "what do you think, should we go with A or B?" and getting the answer "B, abso-fucking-lutely, 100 percent B, it's a no-brainer because of X, Y and Z" every single time?! That was such an unexpected revelation and an incredible load off my shoulders!
And finally, as a business owner, THIS is what you're probably interested in: It turns out Jaka was confident for a reason!
Jaka's redesign of our entire SaaS website was — by far! — the most important factor in our revenue growing 65% year-over-year
in the past 10 months since the redesign. Our business has been successful (by all means) but extremely steady from 2014 through 2019,
consistently bringing in about $1.5M per year. After Jaka's redesign in October 2019, our conversion rates / sales / revenue shot up
by 65% immediately, and 10 months later (August 2020 vs August 2019) we are still seeing the exact same 65% year-over-year growth.
This is truly INSANE — and if I could only ever recommend one person for any business-related thing in the world, it would be Jaka for delivering a redesign that looks great and CONVERTS. Which is all that matters!

Founder of Spin Rewriter, 8-figure company